Not all leaders are born. They are made.

My mission is to enable leaders to develop their self reflection muscle to strengthen how they lead.

My vision is to create incredible work environments where everyone is a leader, no matter their title.

I work with complex multi disciplinary teams in the private and public sector. Coaching has been an integral part of my 15 year Management career. While leading teams in Japan, Quebec and British Columbia, I have held a number of management positions within the not for profit sector including SportMedBC, The Jewish Community Centre of Greater Vancouver and The Vancouver Park Board. For more about key accomplishments and details you can check out my linkedin.

I am an International Coaching Federation Member and currently completing my complete certification towards a Certified Leadership Coach through Essential Impact.

The truth is that leadership is a muscle - we need to work at it for it to grow.

Think of me as your personal trainer for your leadership - I am there to work with you, challenge you and help you focus on the areas in work that need more time attention and care.